
Publications : The foundation is the main organization publishing various books and articles, both for scientific and touristic use, in relation with the attractions, historic places and UNESCO sites in the surrounding areas of Albania. The publications included: Four Historic Cities in the Western Balkans – Values and Challenges (2012) publication dedicated to heritage and […]

Seven Fountains of Gjirokastra

Restoration of Hamam and Revitalization Seven Fountains of Gjirokastra: This project has transformed an ex town rubbish dump into a small park, restoring the Seven Fountains and Haman within it. The work was undertaken by the local office of the Institute of Monuments and was supervised by Richard Andrews, a senior architect-restorer from the UK. […]

Restoration and Revitalization of Zekate House (2004-2005): In May 2004 a full study and recording of the architectural and distinctive features of the Zekate House was undertaken by Richard Andrews, through the Butrint Foundation. Professor Emin Riza (Institute of Monuments, Tirana), Albania’s greatest authority on the houses of Gjirokastra, subsequently designed a project for the […]

Albanian Iso-Polyphony project

The promotion of the Albanian Iso-Polyphony project: Obelisku Iso-Polyphonic group project (2010) aimed at reconnecting the youth with the heritage and in particular with ancient polyphonic singing. Albanian Iso-Polyphony Singing has been recognized as an Intangible World Heritage by UNESCO in 2005. The ancient tradition of Iso-polyphonic singing is deeply intertwined with Albanian national identity, […]

Bazaar of Gjirokastra

The Revitalization projects of the Bazaar of Gjirokastra (2007) – The revitalization of the traditional Bazaar started with the restoration of some buildings in the Bazaar, by showcasing artisan skills of heritage value at the annual National Culture Heritage and Artisan Fair in Gjirokastra. Currently there are arts and crafts shops in the Bazaar that […]

Antigonea Hiking Paths

Antigonea Hiking Paths, (2009) – This project created a series of hiking trails from a network of existing shepherd paths. These trails were designed to highlight the natural and historic significance, and beauty of the area surrounding Gjirokastra and Antigonea Park. It is hoped that such use of natural space can motivate the protection and […]

Gjirokastra Castle

The revitalization of the Gjirokastra Castle (2008-2012) – The project encompasses a number of components aimed at restoring and revitalizing the Castle and its grounds and developing sustainable use for the site. Some of the project components were: photogrammetric survey of the Castle; clean-up and de-vegetation of the courtyards and fortified walls; water-proofing of the […]

Cold War Tunnel

Cold War Tunnel (2010- 2015). This project for the research, adaption for visitors, and promotion for the Cold War Tunnel of Gjirokastra started in 2010. The tunnel (built in 1970s) is one of the unique sites of the communist heritage in the country. It is situated under the Castle of Gjirokastra, behind the Bashkia (Municipality) […]

The Gjirokastra Museum (2012) has been one of the most challenging projects of the Gjirokastra Foundation. It is one of the most modern museum built in the country after the fall of communism, and is housed in one of the most beautiful galleries of the Argjiro Castle in Gjirokastra. It showcases the historic and cultural […]

REVATO Project – “Revitalization in the Historic Cities of Gjirokastra and Berat, funded by the EU(2011-2013), which addressed a series of problems that prevent the complex efforts for the preservation and development of the UNESCO Sites of Berat and Gjirokastra. This project was one of the biggest supported by the EU in Gjirokastra. Several historic […]